Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Project - 64x64 Monster Trap - COMPLETE

I've completed the monster trap project. In addition to roofing off the trap and creating the pit for the monsters to fall (and die) in, I created two viewing areas (dark, but safe from spawns) to view the monsters inside the trap before they fall.

There were hiccups, however. Monsters were spawning on top of the trees underneath the trap due to the dark shadow created by it. I'd already lit the ground but did not anticipate monsters spawning on treetops! Additionally, monsters spawned on top of the trap at night, so I had to light the top of the trap structure as well.

With this complete, monsters were falling to their death at an average rate of 15.3 per minute, that's almost 920 per hour. I hope you enjoy the screenshots, I'll post a video at a later stage.

Stop of Spawn Trap (day)
Top of Spawn Trap (night)

Side Viewing Portal

View from top viewing dome

Outside the "Terminal Shaft"

At the base of the terminal shaft

View of the underside of the spawn trap (evening)

View of the underside of the spawn trap (night)

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