Monday, March 21, 2011


I've uploaded a bunch of pictures to my facebook page. Head over and check them out.

Click here!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Player Skin - Silver Centurion

Hey folks!

A request was made of me to make this skin, the Sliver Centurion (Silver Iron Man).

Without further adieu, here it is: download.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Player Skin - Marcus Fenix (Gears of War)

Hey All,

Someone made a request for a skin of Marcus Fenix on Minecraft Workbench, so I thought I'd have a go. Here's what I came up with. Download it here.

Player Skin - Dr. Manhatten

Dr. Manhatten

 Who watches the watchmen?

 Not me, but Dr. Manhatten shouldn't be too hard to spot given his awesome glow. It's a shame I couldn't give this skin a glow, but I think it's nice none-the-less! If you like it, head on over to Minecraft Workbench to download it.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Player Skin - Australian Soldier

Hey folks,

Again I was bored and came up with the idea of making an Australian Soldier skin for Minecraft. Nothing special, but here it is! You can download the skin from Minecraft Workbench

It's a simple skin, I didn't want to add too much for fear of making it messy. This guy is just in Aussie camo, helmet, glasses, Redback Terra combat boots, and ammo pouches at the front.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Player Skin - Parker

Hey folks, I suddenly realised the connection between Red Faction and Minecraft after playing with some TNT the other day - the ability to destroy your environment! I, therefore, felt compelled to make a player skin of Parker, the protagonist in Red Faction. It can be downloaded from Minecraft Workbench.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Player Skin - Captain Picard

Here I am again with another player skin for you all. This one is much simpler and a sure win for those who are Star Trek: TNG fans. Without further adieu, here he is, the man himself, Captain Picard!

Download from Minecraft Workbench